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Spring Cloud服务发现组件Eureka

简介Netflix Eureka是微服务系统中最常用的服务发现组件之一,非常简单易用。当客户端注册到Eureka后,客户端可以知道彼此的hostname和端口等,这样就可以建立连接,不需要配置。Eureka 服务端添加Maven依赖:<dependency> <groupId&g

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2022-01-11

Spring Cloud Service Discovery with Netflix Eureka

IntroductionNetflix Eureka is one of the most popular Serice Discovery Framework for micro service system. It's very easy to use based on Spring Cloud

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2022-01-11

Spring Boot Actuator show the git and build info

IntroductionThe git and build information can help us for troubleshooting and version control. With Spring Boot Actuator, we can fetch the info just b

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2021-11-12

Integrate Spring Cloud Stream Binder with Kafka

1 IntroIt's very easy to integrate the Spring Cloud Stream with Kafka, let's Go!2 Install KafkaWe installed the standalone Kafka, please download the

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2021-06-20